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Article: The Red Tent

The Red Tent

The Red Tent is a place where a woman can retreat during her bleeding time and let her body naturally cleanse on an emotional, spiritual and physical level. This is a time for rest, reflection and renewal. Women gather in sacred ceremony to honor the experience during this bleeding time. They often will pray, sing and receive prophetic visions. This is a sacred time for the women and the community.
I created this tea with the intention that you could drink it during your moon time to connect with your divine feminine energy, your wise women ancestors and to embrace your flow with surrender and sacredness.

This tea is a womb honoring blend of red rose buds, sacred cacao, alfalfa, chaste tree berries, strawberry leaf, peppermint, skullcap and stevia.

Rose buds are known to promote feelings of love, peace and happiness, ease anxiety and open you up to receive cosmic love and wisdom.
Stevia lifts the spirits.
Cacao reduces inflammation, promotes blood flow, reduces feelings of depression and promotes feelings of love.
Chaste tree berries help with bloating, mood swings, headache, breast tenderness and irritability. They also help to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Alfalfa calms irritability and nervousness.
Strawberry leaf strengthens the immune system and balances the sacral chakra. It connects you to your sacred feminine energy and helps you to embrace your natural cycle.
Peppermint is purifying and raises your vibration, eases fatigue and creates positive changes. It also eases premenstrual and tension headaches.
Skullcap helps to calm irritability and anger, promotes menstruation and eases headaches and menstrual cramps. It also relaxes tense muscles, eases panic attacks and feelings of depression.

All of my teas are conjured up with a naturally charged blend of sustainably sourced herbs and flowers that are chosen for their specific healing and magickal properties.

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